The database presents a variety of literature - from monthly newsletters, professional literature on reducing inequalities in health, investing in health and development in Pomurje, social determinants of health, project brochures, to books with recipes for a healthier diet, culinary glossary and more. We publish the data as a collaborative centre of the World Health Organization for cross-sectoral approaches for health and development, as members of the Network of Regions for Health of Europe (RHN Network) and as coordinator of the Mura Regional Action Group (RAS). We are also publishing news as the Nordic Walking Centre of Pomurje.
The purpose of the database is to store a variety of literature which enables the visitor to access the data in one place, whether it is professional data, examples of good practices, useful leaflets, brochures or manuals, as well as the latest tool to assist in the preparation of local action plans.
The thematic covers the knowledge base of many areas, and above all the areas with which we are mostly engaged and whose activities tend to reduce health inequalities, invest in health and development, and monitor the social determinants of health in the region of Pomurje. Areas that are represented in the database are: healthy and active aging, health and tourism, health and mobility, health and the environment, health and food, health and accessibility and health and exercise. The database will be constantly updated.
The search engine works on the basis of Google. Enter the word or phrase you want to search in the search box and the search engine will show all the results that it finds in the PDF documents uploaded to the database, on our website and on linked web pages in the database in our working field.
Enter the word or phrase you want to search in the search box.
Advocating intersectoral action for health equity and well-being: the importance of adapting communication to concept and audience.pdf (699.6 KiB)
Analiza raziskave o potrebah starejsih s kronicno boleznijo, bolnih in invalidnih starejsih ter njihovih druzin na domu.pdf (1.2 MiB)
Analiza vzrokov za premajhno vkljucevanje socialno izkljucenih starejsih v Pomurju v programe aktivnega staranja.pdf (2.3 MiB)
Capacity Building Workshop on Health Communication, Health Promotion and Risk Communication, Almaty, Kazakhstan: A Summary Report of Key Discussions, Theoretical Inputs and Outcomes.pdf (4.8 MiB)
Celostna prometna strategija Mestne obcine Murska Sobota.pdf (4.6 MiB)
Celostna prometna strategija Obcine Gornja Radgona.pdf (2.8 MiB)
Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health.pdf (7.3 MiB)
Druzinski centri v Pomurju in na avstrijskem Stajerskem.pdf (3.6 MiB)
Equity: Prilagoditev sportnega programa za invalide.pdf (1.4 MiB)
Equity: Smernice za sport in rekreacijo invalidov.pdf (1.6 MiB)
Eupha News 2015 01.pdf (521.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 02.pdf (747.1 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 03.pdf (278.4 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 04.pdf (539.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 05.pdf (911.2 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 06.pdf (613.3 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 07.pdf (543.9 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 08.pdf (208.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 09.pdf (186.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 10.pdf (183.4 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 11.pdf (428.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2015 12.pdf (229.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 01.pdf (478.9 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 02.pdf (450.0 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 03.pdf (645.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 04.pdf (531.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 05.pdf (606.0 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 06.pdf (517.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 07.pdf (474.7 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 08.pdf (424.7 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 09.pdf (542.3 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 10.pdf (505.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 11.pdf (438.9 KiB)
Eupha News 2016 12.pdf (552.0 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 01.pdf (493.5 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 02.pdf (498.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 03.pdf (556.7 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 04.pdf (321.4 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 05.pdf (760.6 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 06.pdf (534.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 07.pdf (586.2 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 08.pdf (502.0 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 09.pdf (687.6 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 10.pdf (461.7 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 11.pdf (680.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2017 12.pdf (637.8 KiB)
Eupha News 2018 01.pdf (637.2 KiB)
Eupha News 2018 02.pdf (733.8 KiB)
Health 2020: A European policy framework supporting action across government and society for health and well-being.pdf (638.4 KiB)
Health Equity 2020 Final Report.pdf (2.0 MiB)
Health Equity 2020 Newsletter.pdf (1.6 MiB)
Health Equity 2020 Toolkit.pdf (342.4 KiB)
Health inequalities in Slovenia.pdf (5.0 MiB)
Investment for health and development in Slovenia: Programme Mura.pdf (3.6 MiB)
Izsledki misije SZO za hitro oceno socialnih determinant zdravja in neenakosti v zdravju.pdf (222.8 KiB)
Kolesarjenje od otroskih nog naprej.pdf (1.4 MiB)
Ko zadisi po kruhu: Tradicionalna peka kruha.pdf (1.4 MiB)
Kulinaricni slovarcek otrok.pdf (3.7 MiB)
Lokalni akcijski nacrt za Pomurje - Proces nastajanja.pdf (2.0 MiB)
Miha in cevlji iz zelenjavnega vrta.pdf (788.8 KiB)
Model of strategic actors to be mobilised in each territory.pdf (1.3 MiB)
Neenakosti v zdravju v Sloveniji.pdf (4.0 MiB)
Operativni program za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014–2020.pdf (8.3 MiB)
Ponudba sportnih in rekreativnih dejavnosti za invalide.pdf (1.0 MiB)
Positioning health equity and the social determinants of health on the regional development agenda.pdf (1.7 MiB)
Priporocila za postavitev signalizacije za pohodne poti in poti nordijske hoje.pdf (3.5 MiB)
Promotional activities of best practices for the short supply chains of the local quality products: SORECO - Education for Responsible Consumption.pdf (3.0 MiB)
Razvojni nacrt upravljanja z Gajsevskim jezerom in pojezerjem z uporabo ekoremediacij.pdf (3.4 MiB)
Regional Action Group on Health and Development in Pomurje Region.pdf (931.1 KiB)
Regions for Health Network: The Veneto model – a regional approach to tackling global and European health challenges.pdf (1,002.3 KiB)
Regions for Health Network Twenty-second annual meeting report: Improving health and equity across regions and sectors.pdf (670.4 KiB)
SOCEMP Slovenia Case Study July 2017: Learning from international experience on approaches to community power, participation and decision-making in health.pdf (2.5 MiB)
Studija PEMURES - moznosti izkoriscanja organskih odpadkov v obcinah Pomurja.pdf (3.2 MiB)
Sustainable development in Wales and other regions in Europe – achieving health and equity for present and future generations.pdf (3.4 MiB)
Vlaganje za zdravje in razvoj program Mura.pdf (2.3 MiB)
Vpliv regionalnega razvojnega programa za Pomurje 2014 - 2020 na zdravje prebivalcev Pomurja.pdf (2.0 MiB)
Zdravje 2020: Temeljna evropska izhodisca za vsevladno in vsedruzbeno akcijo za zdravje in blagostanje.pdf (645.0 KiB)
Zmanjsevanje razlik v casu ene generacije: Izboljsevanje enakosti na podrocju zdravja z vplivanjem na socialne determinante zdravja.pdf (2.2 MiB)